Saturday, January 23, 2016

Rental & Donation Avatar Change

I will keep this post short, sweet and to the point.

The person that created the rental avi, Adela Millar, is no longer interested in using it for that purpose so things will now be directed to the avatar I created today, 1/23/2016, LaretteIsland Resident.

We felt it was in the best interest that I solely manage the sim I own, Larette Island, and have complete ownership over the avatars that manage all funds from Larette Island tenants as well as the funds that are donated that help me keep Alouette open in-world.  I chose to create LaretteIsland Resident to separate and make things easier for me when managing funds earned from my store LacieCakes versus the Rental & Donation Funds.

Below is a screenshot of all funds transferred from Adela Millar to LaretteIsland Resident.  If the account total seems high, please keep in mind, the funds are a combination of rent paid by sim tenants (often a month+ in advance) as well as the donations that help me keep Alouette in world.  Updates will continue to be posted regularly via this blog as they always have.  A link to the donation trail and FAQ is in the sidebar and has been updated today as well.

I appreciate your understanding.  Always feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions.

In-World: Lacie Chambers
Plurk: @LacieCakes

Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 2016 Tier Payment

Screenshots for January 2016

Transfer from Rental Avi 1.2016

$L Exchange 1.2016

Currency Transaction Finalize 1.2016
Tier & Premium Fees taken for 1.2016