Sunday, June 7, 2015


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: I'd like to make a donation, is there a charity I can donate to in Amy's honor or a fundraiser?
A1: Yes, Amy's real life family has set up a GiveForward fundraiser to help with funeral expenses. Donations can be made via the Amy Nauman Memorial Fund. This fundraiser and all donations are managed by her father, Paul.  I will never discourage anyone to make a donation in honor of Amy to well known, reputable establishments such as Relay For Life.

Q2: Is Amy's store in Second Life, Alouette, going to remain open?
A2: Yes, thanks to donations from people in the Second Life community at this time Alouette is going to remain open.  More information is detailed below.

Q3: Is there a way to make a donation within Second Life? What is going to happen to that money? 
A3: There is a Relay for Life kiosk in-world at Amy's store, Alouette. SLURL to Alouette.

Linden Currency ($L) Donations have also been made within Second Life to the pink R2D2 sitting in Amy's store Alouette.  Below is the outlined information that explains what happens with those in world donations.

Amy (Scarlet Chandrayaan) is the owner of the store Alouette. Sadly, she lost her battle with cancer on on May 21, 2015. Her store is rented on a sim owned by me and my main avatar is Lacie Chambers.   I am a friend of Amy in both worlds. We have spent time in real life hanging out  and considered each other family.

LaretteIsland Resident is the official Larette Island Rental and Rent for Alouette Avi created by Lacie Chambers on 1/23/2016.  

Unfortunately, I cannot personally take on all the extra funds to keep Alouette in world. That's where I ask for the communities help.

If you want to donate any funds to the R2D2 they will only be used to keep Alouette in world. Funds go to this rental Avi, LaretteIsland Resident. This avi was created by myself and is only used as a place to collect sim rent from all our renters and donations to help keep Alouette open.  On a monthly basis, I send the funds to my main avatar that has the premium account, Lacie Chambers.  I then cash the funds out and pays Linden Labs directly for the sim Larette Island.

Amy pays for 2,563 prims at a cost of  $3,460 for 7 days. Any funds you send to this account will be added to the time to keep Alouette in world as long as possible.

Per 7 Days - $3,460
Per Day - $494
1/2 day - $247

Any questions contact Lacie Chambers in world or via Plurk

Note: The person that created the former rental avi, Adela Millar, is no longer interested in using it for that purpose so things will now be directed to this avatar, LaretteIsland Resident.  I appreciate your understanding.  Always feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions.


P.S.- Land was reclaimed and put under the sim owner's group (.:: LacieCakes ::.) so we can better take care of Alouette land.

Q4:  How much money has been donated to keep Alouette Open?
A4:   The total donated since 5/23/2015 as of 6/5/2015 9:27am CST is $146,311L .

(*Note: The original total was mis-typed as $146,117L and was actually $146,311L and has been corrected as of 6/24/2015 10:50pm EST.  I apologize for any confusion)

This is enough to keep Alouette open for about 10 more months.  Donations are voluntary and not at all required.  We greatly appreciate everyone's help!

A blog post will be dedicated to the transactions that affect the donation amounts.  Link is in the side bar called "Donation Trail"

Q5:  How much does it cost for sim tier per month?
A5:  It costs me $295 USD per month plus a $9.50 USD premium account fee I have to pay in order to be a sim owner.  That translates into approximately  $81,350L per month depending on the currency exchange rate.  Tier is due to Linden Labs the 11th of every month, premium fees are due the 28th of every month.

Q6:  What if Amy's RL family decide to close down her Second Life business?  What happens to the donated money to keep her store open?
A6:  Any remaining funds from donations to keep Amy's store open I will cash out and donate to the Amy Nauman Memorial Fund managed by Amy's RL Family.  There is a link in the side bar.  Screenshots will also be blogged in order to keep information transparent.  Any tax liabilities I will take on and pay to the IRS.

Q7:  Is someone able to access Scarlet Chandrayaan's account?  What happens to those funds?
A7:  Yes, Amy's real life father has access to her Second Life account.  At this time, he doesn't know how to navigate in world.  I have volunteered to do a tutorial session with him either via skype/screenshare or when her family is ready, my husband Mike and I will be visiting over a weekend to explain how to manage her Second Life account and any $L transfers/cash outs.

Q8:  How are you getting your information from Amy's family?
A8:  I have been speaking with Amy's RL Mom and Dad via phone, facebook and e-mail.

Q9:  Why are you providing such detailed information like your personal $L balance and such in screenshots?
A9: Because I want everyone to know I'm being honest.  I know how skeptical people can be and unfortunately there are bad people that have taken advantage of others so I want to provide as much information as possible so you know I'm not one of them.  If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email or on plurk @LacieCakes.  Unfortunately I'm not in world as much because of my real life.

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