Friday, December 8, 2017

December 2017 & January 2018 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Funds Transfer 12.2017 & 01.2018
$L to $USD Exchange 12.2017 & 01.2018
Exchange Final 12.2017 & 01.2018

Tier & Premium Fees 12.2017

Tier 1.2018
Tier & Premium Fees 1.2018

November 2017 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Transfer 11.2017
$L to $USD Exchange 11.2017 (forgot to get the screenshot of the main screen I normally snip, sorry!)

$L to $USD Final 11.2017

Tier & Premium Fees 11.2017

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October 2017 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Funds Transfer 10.2017

$L to $USD Exchange 10.2017

$L to $USD Exchange Final 10.2017

Tier & Premium Fees 10.2017

September 2017 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Funds Transfer 9.2017
$L to $USD Exchange 9.2017

$L to $USD Exchange Final 9.2017

Tier & Premium Fees 9.2017

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

August 2017 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Funds Transfer 8.2017 (for the first time in a long time Larette Island is fully occupied by tenants!)

$L to $USD Exchange 8.2017

$L to $USD Exchange Final 8.2017

Tier & Premium Fees 8.2017

Monday, July 10, 2017

July 2017 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Funds Transfer 7.2017 (A little higher than last month due to tenant obtained for 1 of 2 available parcels)

$L to $USD Exchange 7.2017

$L to $USD Exchange Final 7.2017

Tier & Premium Fee's 7.2017

Thursday, June 8, 2017

June 2017 Tier Payment

I found a tenant for one of the available parcels but there's still one up for grabs if you know anyone.  It's 1630 prims for $1597L/wk

Rental Avi Funds Transfer 6.2017

Sorry guys!  I was rushing through the process and forgot to screenshot the $L to $USD exchange.  I submitted 82,000L for $303.68 USD for tier.

$L to $USD Exchange Final 6.2017

Tier & Premium Fees 6.2017

Sunday, May 21, 2017

It's been 2 years

5/21/2017 is today's date.  Officially it's been 2 years since Amy lost her battle and had to leave us behind here on Earth.  One of Amy's biggest fears was to be forgotten.  For those of us that knew and loved her, we know that's impossible.  Amy's very much a part of our every day lives in various ways.  Nonetheless, my husband Mike and I wanted to do something to honor her memory and I was inspired by a Facebook group I was added to.

It's called Northeast Ohio Rocks!  The idea behind this group is simply to "complete a random act of kindness to unexpectedly brighten someone's day one rock at a time and to pass it on".  You paint rocks, label and hide them in places (that are permitted) such as parks, parking lots, stores etc... and when someone finds the rock we hope that they'll share a photo on Facebook and with the Northeast Ohio Rocks! group that they found it.  Rocks aren't supposed to be kept, once found, they are supposed to be re-hidden.  They can be moved to another location so long as the happiness can be shared.  As painters, we can keep track of rocks that we've hidden by assigning them a certain hashtag and searching for that hashtag on Facebook. Google or Instagram.

For the past few weeks we have been painting rocks with the "Leaf on the Wind" image (to the best of my artistic ability lol) and we're going to go around to a few parks in our area to hide them.  Amy brought a lot of joy to our lives and this is our way of sharing Amy with our little corner of the world.  If we can make someone smile then we're doing right by her.

The hashtag we've assigned is #amyslegacyrocks

The "Leaf on the Wind" is part of a quote from the T.V. show/movie Firefly/Serenity.  It was Amy's motto: "I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar".  She even had it tattoo'd on her wrist the first time she beat cancer.

The way I look at it is, the wind is a force of nature that we can't control and sometimes we encounter scenarios in our lives that we can't control.  If you've ever watched a leaf blowing in the wind, there's a kind of grace to it.  No matter the journey it's on or where it ends up, it beautifully glides along with the wind that's pushing it to it's final destination.  In our lives it's easy to talk ourselves out of things or oppose the "winds of change".  Being a "Leaf on the Wind" means you're strong enough to embrace that change and have the courage to believe in ourselves that we CAN do it.  Amy had this courage and she fought even though she couldn't control what was happening to her.  Always remember, you can too!

Monday, May 8, 2017

May 2017 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Funds Transfer (amount is less than usual due to lost tenant) 5.2017
$L to $USD Exchange 5.2017

$L to $USD Exchange Final 5.2017

Tier & Premium Fees 5.2017

Monday, April 10, 2017

Real Heroes!

Hey Guys!

Between the donations and payment that Amy's Dad made recently, we raised a total of $59,280L!  That's enough to help me keep Alouette open in world for another 4 months!  I'm  always so astounded by the generosity of the SL community.  Several of you made remarkable donations which was truly selfless.  I don't want to put anyone on the spot, but you know who you are <3  In all reality though, I'm so very grateful for every single donation - big or small.

So you have a screenshot the exact remaining days left is:

(Sorry I hid the Parcel ID - I don't understand how all that stuff works and am always cautious about potential hacks and stuff!)

I know I had mentioned on plurk, I struggled with sharing what was going on "behind the scenes" because I don't want any of you to feel that it's your responsibility or obligation to help me with paying for my sim that Amy's store is on.  I feel it's appropriate for me to share some raw honesty though, so here it is:

If you would have asked me 2 or even 3 years ago if I ever thought there would be a point in time that I would "leave" SL - I would have flat out said NO!  At that time, I couldn't imagine my life without SL being a part of it in some way or another.  Even as I've built my RL career, gotten married and am helping raise my 3 step-children, I've understandably not had as much time for SL.  But I always came back. Not because of my SL business or my sim, but because of the close relationships I've built there.  It was the people I logged into SL for.  One of those people for me was Amy.  I've said it over and over, Amy wasn't just a friend - we might not have shared the same blood, but she was my sister.

When Amy left us, and when others that I was close to moved on in their real lives (which is totally OK!), SL isn't the same for me anymore.  I lost my drive and desire to log in.  It's not that I can't build new friendships and relationships, but there's an emptiness.  With the fact that I've grown away from SL, it's also understandable that my SL income isn't as much as it used to be.  So when the donation money started to run out, I knew I'd have to reach out to Amy's Dad for us to make a decision on what our next move would be.  Both of us came to the conclusion that we still feel that people want to keep Alouette in world - and selfishly I'm not ready to let it go.  (Even if it meant I'd have to use RL funds in an already tight RL budget).

When I do log into SL and walk around Alouette, it's like time is frozen and Amy's just "logged off" for the night.  It's almost as if Amy could log on at any moment and IM me with some sassy comment.  I'm not sure if any of this makes any sense to anyone.  I just know in my heart I'm not ready - and I think I've seen from the outpouring of support recently you guys aren't ready either.

If it weren't for Amy and Alouette, I would let it all go and walk away.  I don't care about my business that I worked to build for over 6 years.  I don't care about the sim.  All I care about is Amy and her legacy.  I will do my best to honor her memory and keep doing whatever I can to keep it going.  But I can't take the credit for it, you guys are the real heroes.  You've helped me these past couple years by lending an ear, listening to me whine, tolerating all of my "I miss Amy" posts or sending a couple $L my way... 

Another thing I repeat often, I wish you could see into my heart to know how much its bursting full of gratitude.  I will never, ever, ever, ever be able to express it adequately.  And I know that Amy's family are just as surprised and forever grateful for your generosity as well.  Thank you for helping us keep her close. <3

April 2017 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Funds Transfer 4.2017 (More than March 2017 due to new tenant for previously empty parcel)

$L to $USD Exchange 4.2017

$L to $USD Exchange Final 4.2017

Tier & Premium Fees 4.2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017

March 2017 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Funds Transfer 3.2017

L to USD Exchange 3.2017

L to USD Exchange Final 3.2017

Tier & Premium Fees 3.2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

February 2017 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Funds Transfer 2.2017

L to USD Exchange 2.2017

L to USD Exchange Final 2.2017
Tier & Premium Fees 2.2017

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

January 2017 Tier Payment

Rental Avi Transfer 01.2017
$L to $USD Exchange 01.2017

$L to $USD Exchange Final 01.2017

Tier & Premium Fees 1.2017